Career Change

How to Transition to a New Career in Ten Steps

May 21, 2020 | by David March. 

Want to make a career change but you don’t know where to start?

Are you at a dead-end job and wanting growth?

Is this a transition time for you – you’re studying and educating yourself on a new skill – but you don’t know how to get a job by doing that?

I have been a recruiter for a while now and EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. says they want to leave their current position because of growth: a lack of growth, a continuation of growth, etc.

What is growth? It can mean something different to everyone. It’s also possible that you are misusing the word growth, using it as a place holder for the word that truly represents what you want. It could be a new boss; most people don’t leave jobs – they leave bosses or a toxic work culture.

What could growth mean to you?

  • More money (growth in salary)
  • Better boss (growth achieved through learning from a mentor or leader)
  • Better work culture (growth achieved through work/life balance)
  • Working remotely (growth through having more time for yourself)
  • More advanced job (growth through learning new skills and applying old ones in new ways)

But what do you actually want? Doing the all-so-important pre-work becomes evident again.

Let’s say you want to finally get out of your mother’s basement, or you are living with toxic roommates and you want your own place. Your first step is to ask yourself all the important questions: where would this place be, what city is it in, how much is rent, what will all the expenses be to live there?

It works the same way with this process.

Step One: Seek Clarity

The first step is always to do the pre-work. Sit down and really think about what you want, what you need, and where you are right now. Ask yourself the important questions. Ask yourself the tough questions. What do you really, truly want?

If this is a transition time for you, review job boards: Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and LinkedIn. Comb through them for job descriptions. What are the titles of the positions you want? When you read the job descriptions, does it sound like what you want to do?

Compile a list of positions and job descriptions that resonate with you and your skillset. You have to identify what you’re looking for and thus become aware of it.

Look at the qualifications required: what level of education are they looking for, what tools are you required to know how to use, in which software systems do you need proficiency?

Do The Pre-Work. If you are feeling procrastination or it’s difficult for you, seek help. This is part of my coaching process. I call it discovery, but it’s really just doing the pre-work, seeking clarity on what you want.

Step Two: Identify What is Truly Holding You Back

Do you not have the….

  • Right mindset?
  • Interview skills?
  • Ability to make a personal connection with the hiring manager?
  • Required experience?
  • Necessary certifications or education?

Guess what – all of these skills can be learned! YOU ARE CAPABLE!

Many people feel undeserving of a promotion or a rise to the next level. They question their value or await some external validation before they can start playing a bigger game.

It’s part of our culture to make you think you’re not good enough. Comparison culture is real, and we all face it every day. We compare ourselves to others around us, but it’s more than that. We compare our insides to others’ outsides and get disappointed when we, magically, don’t measure up. Imposter Syndrome is rampant across all industries and levels of education.

Use the pre-work to identify your barriers and see if you can brainstorm ways to get past them. If you need more education, figure out where you can enroll and what classes are available. If you don’t feel confident, consider talking to a coach to help you through the process. Whatever it is, there’s a way around it, over it, or through it.

Step Three: Raise Necessity

This means tapping into your “why.” Go back to your pre-work – what is the goal of your transition? How do the things you’re looking for coalesce into an ideal? Make sure your “why” inspires you. It should elicit emotion and drive.

The “why” is what will keep you going when you hit a barrier or get discouraged. It will allow you to push through the hard times and truly revel in the achievement of your goal.]]

But to find it, you have to really dig deep and listen to yourself. When you think about the career you’re looking for, how does it make you feel? What have you achieved to get there? What does it represent for you?

Answering those questions will help you identify the true “why,” the deep-rooted need within you.

Step Four: Generate Energy and Momentum in Your Career Direction

You’ve got your why, you know what’s holding you back, and you have some steps to overcome those barriers. What now?

This is where a coach can do help you. By setting up weekly sessions as you diligently work towards your goal, it builds a rhythm. All of a sudden, you have milestones, you have smaller steps to take on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, and that becomes your roadmap.

By speaking to someone who cares about your career goals as much as you do, they can hold you to a higher standard. They can help hold you accountable to your smaller goals along the way and guide you when you feel a bit lost.

Then, once you have a build-up of momentum…

Step Five: Take Massive Action

As a coach, I will use a combination of techniques to help you proactively get the job. My main method is to use AI to scale your ability to reach out to employers. The more applications you’re able to put out there, the easier it will be to get hired.

Massive action means “doing it big.” Up until now, you’ve been taking small steps and reaching milestones. Now is the time to advocate for yourself, get yourself out there, and do it in a big way.

If you want a head start on this, our LinkedIn job seeking strategy targets and engages recruiters and hiring managers, driving them to reply about potential job opportunities.

Our system helps you:

  1. Build targeted lists of the top companies you want to work at on LinkedIn
  2. Write clear and personal cold-outreach messages that actually get responses
  3. Send custom multi-touch messages to your top companies every month
  4. Receive instant notifications when you get a response so you can reply in a timely way

We can simplify the massive action and make it more manageable, while still getting you the same impact.

Step Six: Take Advantage of User Interface Efficiencies

This is a subset of Step Five, but it’s so important that it deserves its own section.

LinkedIn has an “Easy Apply” function that lets you apply for jobs with one click. The more positions you find that have this capability, the more jobs you can apply for in a shorter amount of time. Other job boards have a similar function, as well.

ZipRecruiter, for example, has something similar that allows you to “1 Click Apply.” Instead of being redirected to the company website, the application is hosted by ZipRecruiter. Applying directly on company websites is a lengthy process. There are other ways; I can show you how to be efficient with your time.

Step Seven: Develop Influence

At first, this step seems like it would be difficult to do. It turns out it’s simpler than it seems: just get involved. Start doing the work you want to do in smaller way; seek out internships, special projects inside or outside your company, or start a side hustle. UpWork, for example, is a great way to gain visibility and small successes.

When you begin looking for these smaller projects, you’ll have to talk to people (or submit an application) and explain why you should be on the team. The more you practice articulating your passion and what you bring to the table, the easier it will be as you get further in your job search or transition. Practice makes perfect.

By working with a coach, you can accelerate this process. Coaching sessions will provide a safe training ground to work on what you are going to say and how you will deliver your message. You’ll also develop your influence by creating a positive support network.

Step Eight: Use Recruiters the Right Way!

Respect their time; you need their connections to hiring managers!

Don’t use them as leverage in negotiations with your current boss. Your boss may not counter, and then you’re stuck leaving your job. Becoming a job hopper is not the way to develop your skills and progress in your career.

Be as up-front with them as possible about where you’ve already applied on your own, where you’re willing to move, and what kind of salary you’re looking for. This allows them to communicate properly with the company and give you the highest level of service possible.

Understand that their client is the company. They can take you to the promised land, but you have to be honest with them and trust them.

Step Nine: Demonstrate Courage

This process will not be easy. Remember – the journey began with growth in mind. We’ve all heard of (and likely experienced) growing pains. During this process, you will have to break out of your comfort zone.

While it’s great that you earned an advanced degree or got the proper certifications, the tough part is having the courage to leave what is comfortable. Putting yourself out there and trying to do something new and different is tough.

Leaving a position that you liked is hard. Leaving the city that you’ve spent years in is hard. The growing pains will subside over time and you will get stronger. Your “why” will carry you through these times. As your coach, I can fill in the gaps and support you through each stage of the process.

Step Ten: Recognize the Journey

“A journey of one thousand miles begins with a single step.” We’ve all heard the adage. It’s important that, throughout this process, you remember to take a step back and enjoy all that goes into it. The goal isn’t the be-all-end-all.

What did you learn along the way? How did you change? Did you start with one “why” and discover along the way that you had a different “why” all along?

I work with clients over a 90-day period, This doesn’t happen overnight – it’s a journey, remember? There are always updates to be made, times where we need to do some strategy refinement, new problems to be solved. My specialty is working with individuals pursuing a career S.T.E.M. Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

You began this journey to achieve growth, but you stop growing when you don’t make mistakes. Making mistakes helps you grow.

I will work with you to discover your “why,” create a roadmap, and get you through all the stops, detours, and scenic routes along the way. Working with me gives you the advantage of starting out with a support network in place. I can help you get where you most want to be.

To take the next step, schedule a call with me at


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