Career Change

Career Coaching: Savior or Scam? A Guide to Finding Your True North

Life throws curveballs. A layoff after two decades of stability, an empty nest prompting a search for new purpose, a re-entry into the workforce after years of caregiving—these are just a few of the countless scenarios that lead people to seek guidance in navigating career transitions. It’s during these times of uncertainty that career coaching emerges as a potential lifeline. But is the career coach truly a savior, helping you navigate a smooth pathway of transition, or is it just a scam preying on your vulnerability?

Unveiling the Truth: The Promise and Perils

Career career coaching isn’t merely about securing a new job; it’s a holistic approach to aligning your work with your passions and values. A skilled career coach acts as a compass, guiding you confidently towards uncharted territories, encouraging you to explore a new industry, geographical location or functional job transition. They help you uncover your unique potential that may be lying dormant. A career coach empowers you to:

  • Uncover Hidden Strengths: Recognize talents you may have overlooked.
  • Set Powerful Goals: Create a customized and personalized roadmap for your ideal career.
  • Conquer Challenges: Develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
  • Accountability and Tracking: Build systems, reports, and tracking mechanisms to monitor your progress through each stage of your career transition.
  • See Challenges from Different Perspectives: Gain new angles on your career problems.
  • Be Honest with Yourself: Process your emotions, distinguishing between your voice and the expectations of others.
  • Build Resilience: Learn to bounce back from rejections and setbacks with renewed vigor.

However, the career coaching industry lacks rigorous regulation, creating a breeding ground for unethical practices. It’s crucial to distinguish between genuine mentors invested in your growth and self-help gurus who prioritize their own gain.

Your Compass for Fulfillment: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Goals

Before diving into career coaching, it’s crucial to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Understanding your motivations is the key to unlocking a fulfilling career. This process involves distinguishing between intrinsic and extrinsic goals. While both types of goals are essential, recognizing their differences can help you create a balanced and satisfying career path.

Differentiate Between Your Intrinsic and Extrinsic Goals

A skilled career coach will help you weave your intrinsic and extrinsic goals into a tapestry that reflects your authentic self, ensuring a smoother transition into a career that helps you recognize self-doubt as a motivating factor, nourishes your soul, satisfies your ambitions, and ultimately lets you land on a worthy salary.

Intrinsic Goals:

Intrinsic goals stem from your core values, passions, and desire for personal growth. They encompass a yearning to make a difference, contribute to a cause, or simply find joy in your daily work.

Emily’s Story: Emily, a successful marketer, found herself dreading the daily grind despite the financial security and prestige her job offered. These “golden handcuffs”  kept her up late at night in the office and it felt less like accomplishments and more like sacrifices. Emily craved work that resonated with her love of animals and her desire to make a tangible difference in the world. When she started working with a career coach, she realized her intrinsic goals lay outside the marketing field, leading her to start a successful dog rescue organization.

Extrinsic Goals:

Extrinsic goals revolve around external rewards like salary, prestige, or recognition. While valuable, relying solely on them can leave you feeling empty if your intrinsic needs are unmet.

Alex’s Story: Alex, a talented software engineer, was driven by the allure of Silicon Valley. He dreamed of working for a tech giant, earning a six-figure salary, and enjoying the perks of stock options and catered lunches. His career coach guided him through the interview process, helping him land his dream job. However, after a few years, Alex found the relentless pressure and competitive environment draining. The extrinsic rewards no longer felt satisfying as his passion for coding waned.

Questions to Uncover Your Own Motivations

Reflecting on your motivations involves asking yourself deep and meaningful questions. This process requires vulnerability and the willingness to explore your inner self. Take your time with these reflections, as a holistic understanding of yourself is crucial for making informed career decisions. Here are some prompts to help you uncover what truly drives you:

  • What activities make time disappear? Is it volunteering at a local community garden, painting vibrant murals, or designing innovative solutions for complex problems?
  • What skills and activities do you display rapid learning in? Do you pick up foreign languages quickly or excel in woodworking?
  • What impact do you want to make on the world? Do you envision advocating for environmental protection, mentoring underprivileged youth, or creating art that inspires others?
  • Are you chasing a title or a fulfilling role? Does the idea of being a manager excite you, or do you long for the freedom and flexibility of a remote work lifestyle?
  • Is financial gain your ultimate goal, or a means to an end? Will a larger paycheck bring lasting happiness, or is it a stepping stone towards achieving other dreams, like owning a home or starting a business?

Deeply explore these questions, and you’ll gain a fuller and deeper understanding of what truly drives you. This self-awareness is the foundation for a fulfilling career. Throughout this journey, it is essential to practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself as you uncover your values, passions, and goals. Acknowledge that this process can be challenging and allow yourself the grace to explore at your own pace.

A spiritually-driven career coach should help you connect the dots between your values, passions, and goals, empowering you to make informed decisions that lead to a more meaningful and satisfying professional life. By embracing self-compassion, you’ll create a supportive internal environment that fosters growth and resilience, paving the way for a career that truly resonates with your authentic self.

Spiritually-Driven and Systems-Driven career coaching 

Within the career coaching landscape, there are all kinds of career coaches. It’s important that both spiritually-driven and systems-driven approaches are present.

Spiritually-Driven career coaching: Emphasizes aligning career with values, passions, and purpose. Utilizes mindfulness, personality assessments, self-reflection, intuition, and faith. The goal is to discover your strengths, your calling, and create a career that nourishes your soul while also being paid what you are worth.

Systems-Driven career coaching: Focuses on achieving tangible career outcomes like landing a job, negotiating salary, or advancing within an organization with step-by-step frameworks and systems that are data-driven, results-oriented, and strategic.

Navigating the Maze: Red Flags and Green Lights

Choosing the right career coach is a critical step in your journey. With the abundance of career coaches available, distinguishing between a genuine mentor and someone merely looking to profit from your vulnerability can be challenging. Here are some guidelines to help you navigate this maze and find a career coach who truly has your best interests at heart.

  • Intuitive Ability to Enable Synergy: A good career coach fosters collaboration. Phil Jackson, sports coach of the Chicago Bulls and the Los Angeles Lakers, epitomized this by blending his intuitive style with the detailed approach of his assistant, Charley Rosen. Jackson cultivated an atmosphere of trust and creative intuition, balancing it with technical expertise.
  • Consider Their Media Diet: Are they consuming fear or inspiration? A career coach should seek knowledge and wisdom, reading extensively, learning about purpose, and consuming uplifting content. They should embody the concept of “standing on the shoulders of giants,” as Isaac Newton described.
  • They Practice What They Preach: The best career coaches have coaches to keep them sharp.
  • Dedication to the Path of career coaching: Since anyone can call themselves a career coach, look for dedication. Have they written a book on career coaching? Do they have certifications? How much time, energy, and money have they invested in their own career coaching journey? Have they created a course or website? How active are they in their community? Look for recommendations and endorsements on LinkedIn.

Your Career: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Remember, your career is not merely a job; it’s an expression of your unique gifts and passions. With the right guidance, you can craft a fulfilling path that brings meaning, purpose, and joy.

In the transition to finding your true north, career coaching can serve as a vital tool. Whether you’re navigating a career shift, re-entering the workforce, or seeking to align your work with your values, a skilled career coach can provide the guidance and support you need to thrive. So, embrace the journey, be open to the transition, and let your career transformation begin.

If feel you are ready, listen to this song from Mike Love –

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